Monday, May 7, 2012

The Sepoy Rebellion

            During the colonization of India by the Europeans the East India Trading Company employed a group of Islamic Indians. This group was called the Sepoy and protected everything connected with the East India Trading Company. There were no real conflicts between the Sepoy and their employers till a rumor started that the pre made cartages used by their standard issues rifles were sealed with the fat of pig and cow. Once the rumor took hold the Sepoy became furious.
                The British honestly did not see any issue with the matter of how the cartages where sealed, but once one looks at the beliefs of the area the issue became quite clear. In order to open the cartages to be inserted into the rifle the individual had to bite the end. The Sepoy by having to do that were going against their religion by in a way ingesting pig and cow which was sin in both the Islamic religion and Hindu religion.
            Outraged by this the Sepoy raised arms against their employers. The revolt occurred in 1857 in Meerut, India, but they Sepoy were put down by the British. The Sepoy Rebellion even though it was quickly halted, it is seen by historians as India’s First War of Independence. The Sepoy Rebellion was just the first of many rebellions that in the end resulted in India’s independence.  Along with being the spark of a chain of revolts the Sepoy Rebellion made Britain’s hold in the area of Delhi.
            By the Sepoy Rebellion occurring opened the eyes to the other Indians about how the British was only trying to suppress them and that the British how to be stop. Even though it took a bit for the fallowing rebellions to finally push the British out but it eventually did. The Sepoy Rebellion just gave those around them the reason to fight and to look at how the British would only harm their way of life and in no way help.  The fact that the Indians never gave up they won their land back from British control.

Norris, David A. "Mutiny In India: The Sepoy Rebellion." History Magazine 13.3 (2012): 22-26. Historical Abstracts. Web. 1 Apr. 2012.
Discuses the effects of rebellion.

Raja, Masood Ashraf. "The Indian Rebellion Of 1857 And Mirza Ghalib's Narrative Of    Survival." Prose Studies 31.1 (2009): 40-54. Literary Reference Center. Web.  1 Apr.            2012.
A more in depth look at the effects of the rebellion.

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